LOCTITE® ECCOBOND F 123 is a fast curing, low viscosity epoxy adhesive that is formulated for terminating single or multi-channel fiber optic connectors. Resistant to mechanical impact, LOCTITE ECCOBOND F 123 offers excellent thermal resistance as well as resistance to water, weathering, gasses, petroleum products, and other organic and inorganic compounds. The product offers tough adhesion to most metals, ceramics, glass, and plastics and provides low stress connections with no pistoning. The heat curing product is suitable for operating temperatures between -60 to 175°C.
- Good wicking
- Resistant to mechanical impact
- Tough adhesion to a variety of fiber optic and optic materials
- Fast cure and low viscosity
Verfügbarkeit: auf Anfrage
LOCTITE ECCOBOND F 123 ist ein Epoxidklebstoff, der eine starke Haftung auf einer Vielzahl von Substraten bietet und für die Verwendung mit Glasfaserbündeln, den Verguss von Glasfasern und Glasfasersteckern konzipiert ist.
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