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LOCTITE® 414, 20 g Bottle

LOCTITE® 414 is a colourless to straw-coloured, transparent, general purpose ethyl-based cyanoacrylate liquid instant adhesive. It is suitable for plastics, rubbers and metals. It has a fixture time of 2 -10 secs.
  • Ideal for bonding small to medium-size parts
  • Excellent adhesion to most substrates
  • Suitable for plastics, rubbers and metals
  • Cures very quickly when confined between two surfaces
  • Fixture time of 2 - 10 secs.
  • Solvent-free
Availability: on demand
Personal consultation
Transparent, colourless, ethyl-based instant adhesive which has a low viscosity. Suitable for plastics, rubbers and metals.

Safety Data Sheet (SDS) on request

LOCTITE® 414 is a colourless to straw-coloured, transparent, general purpose ethyl-based cyanoacrylate liquid instant adhesive. It is suitable for plastics, rubbers and metals. It has a fixture time of 2 -10 secs.
Packaging type Bottle
More Information
BMC internal key 1920660
Regional availability on demand