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LOCTITE® 577, 250ml

LOCTITE® 577 is designed for the locking and sealing of metal pipes and fittings as well as other threaded assemblies. The product provides an instant, low-pressure seal for metal pipes and fittings. It will not creep, shrink or shred. It has excellent chemical and thermal resistance and offers less migration of liquid product after application.
  • Excellent chemical resistance
  • Instant low pressure seal
  • Suitable for all metals
  • Medium-strength, general purpose thread sealant for sealing metal threads
  • Locks connection against vibration-induced loosening and other stresses
  • Easy to apply
Availability: on demand
Personal consultation
Medium-strength, general purpose thread sealant for straight/straight and straight/taper threads and fittings. Fills the space between threaded parts and seals and locks at the same time.

Technical Data Sheet (TDS)

Safety Data Sheet (SDS) on request

LOCTITE® 577 is designed for the locking and sealing of metal pipes and fittings as well as other threaded assemblies. The product provides an instant, low-pressure seal for metal pipes and fittings. It will not creep, shrink or shred. It has excellent chemical and thermal resistance and offers less migration of liquid product after application.
Packaging type Tube
Weight (gross) 0.3 kg
More Information
BMC internal key 2068187
Regional availability on demand
ERP item number HA2068187
Pack size unit Pieces

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