
Attention: Between December 19, 2024, and January 2, 2025, orders will still be accepted, but no order processing will take place during this time. We appreciate your understanding.

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LOCTITE® ABLESTIK 8175A is designed for solder replacement in microelectronic interconnect applications. This adhesive may be used with thick film metallizations or traditional printed circuit board surfaces. It is capable of resolving fine pitch resolution (0.02 inch) when printed using either a stainless steel mesh screen or a metal mask stencil.
    Availability: on demand
    Personal consultation

    Safety Data Sheet (SDS) on request

    LOCTITE® ABLESTIK 8175A is designed for solder replacement in microelectronic interconnect applications. This adhesive may be used with thick film metallizations or traditional printed circuit board surfaces. It is capable of resolving fine pitch resolution (0.02 inch) when printed using either a stainless steel mesh screen or a metal mask stencil.
    Packaging type Other types of packaging
    More Information
    BMC internal key 1202900
    Regional availability on demand
    Brands LOCTITE®