
Attention: Between December 19, 2024, and January 2, 2025, orders will still be accepted, but no order processing will take place during this time. We appreciate your understanding.

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LOCTITE® ABLESTIK CE 3513 is a low viscosity, electrically conductive adhesive that offers fast curing at high temperatures and high adhesion strength. With high heat resistance after curing, no bleed and good dispensing behavior, LOCTITE ABLESTIK CE 3513 offers a long shelf life at room temperature and has an operating temperature of 150° C.
  • Electrically conductive
  • Low viscosity and no bleed
  • Good dispense behavior
  • One component
Availability: on demand
Personal consultation
LOCTITE ABLESTIK CE 3513 is a 1-part, silver epoxy adhesive that is designed for automated assembly and inline curing operations

Safety Data Sheet (SDS) on request

LOCTITE® ABLESTIK CE 3513 is a low viscosity, electrically conductive adhesive that offers fast curing at high temperatures and high adhesion strength. With high heat resistance after curing, no bleed and good dispensing behavior, LOCTITE ABLESTIK CE 3513 offers a long shelf life at room temperature and has an operating temperature of 150° C.
Packaging type Other types of packaging
More Information
BMC internal key 1337101
Regional availability on demand