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TECHNOMELT® SUPRA 300 HT, 25 kg Bag in Box

TECHNOMELT® SUPRA 300 HT is a fast setting hotmelt used for wrap-around cases, tray forming, folding boxes and bonding of materials with difficult-to-bond surfaces. It is especially designed for deep-freeze application and provides excellent processing and bonding characteristics, very high adhesion on difficult substrates, excellent cold flexibility, high hot tack and high mileage characteristics.
  • Easy moldability
  • Very high adhesion
  • Fast setting at medium open time
  • Excellent cold flexibility
  • Excellent processing and bonding characteristics / High hot tack
  • High hot tack
Availability: on demand
Personal consultation

Technical Data Sheet (TDS)

Safety Data Sheet (SDS) on request

TECHNOMELT® SUPRA 300 HT is a fast setting hotmelt used for wrap-around cases, tray forming, folding boxes and bonding of materials with difficult-to-bond surfaces. It is especially designed for deep-freeze application and provides excellent processing and bonding characteristics, very high adhesion on difficult substrates, excellent cold flexibility, high hot tack and high mileage characteristics.
Chemical Base Polyolefin
Number of Components 1_component_system
More Information
BMC internal key 1095532
Regional availability on demand
ERP item number H1095532