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LOCTITE® STYCAST 1365-55, Part A, Pail

LOCTITE® STYCAST 1365-55 is designed for embedding stress sensitive components or where inspections and repairs are desired. Please refer to the TDS for alternate cure schedules.
  • Shock resistant
  • Room temperature cure capability
  • Good adhesion to a variety of substrates
  • Low viscosity
Verfügbarkeit: auf Anfrage
Persönliche Beratung
LOCTITE STYCAST 1365-55, Epoxid, Vergussmasse

Sicherheitsdatenblätter (SDB) auf Anfrage

LOCTITE® STYCAST 1365-55 is designed for embedding stress sensitive components or where inspections and repairs are desired. Please refer to the TDS for alternate cure schedules.
Verpackungsart Hobbock
Weitere Informationen
BMC interner Schlüsselcode 1189310
regionale Verfügbarkeit auf Anfrage