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LOCTITE® STYCAST EE 8016F, 13 lb Pail

LOCTITE® STYCAST EE 8016F is the first part of a two-component potting epoxy system formulated to have excellent flow enabling full impregnation of fine wires in electronic assembly applications. It contains non-abrasive fillers to prevent excessive wear on dispensing equipment. Typical applications include potting and impregnation of transformers and coils in combination with pressure sensitive components, potting modules and PC-boards and potting of hybrids in thermoplastic cases. LOCTITE STYCAST EE 8016F can be used with HD 0378 or EB 0363. For more information on mixed properties when used with other available catalysts, please see TDS or contact your local technical service representative for assistance and recommendations.
  • Long pot life
  • Crack resistant
  • Flexible and temperature cycle resistant
  • Excellent electrical properties
Verfügbarkeit: auf Anfrage
Persönliche Beratung
LOCTITE STYCAST EE 8016F, Epoxid, Vergussmasse

Sicherheitsdatenblätter (SDB) auf Anfrage

LOCTITE® STYCAST EE 8016F is the first part of a two-component potting epoxy system formulated to have excellent flow enabling full impregnation of fine wires in electronic assembly applications. It contains non-abrasive fillers to prevent excessive wear on dispensing equipment. Typical applications include potting and impregnation of transformers and coils in combination with pressure sensitive components, potting modules and PC-boards and potting of hybrids in thermoplastic cases. LOCTITE STYCAST EE 8016F can be used with HD 0378 or EB 0363. For more information on mixed properties when used with other available catalysts, please see TDS or contact your local technical service representative for assistance and recommendations.
Verpackungsart Hobbock
Weitere Informationen
BMC interner Schlüsselcode 675201
regionale Verfügbarkeit auf Anfrage